Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We Made It!

Though it was like watching Planes, Trains and Automobiles, we finally made it safely. Keep praying for safe adventures and travels. It's amazing and when we aren't so bone tired, we'll sit down and update our blog. Email us and we'll keep up with you when we can. All our love:)


  1. Hey Scott and family! Jackie H. would like to know if u plan to seek out africanized bees and kenyan top bar hives. We miss you at the valley. keep us posted. we want to see pics of u and ur family!

  2. Just wondering how everyone survived the plane ride....we miss you! The Barefoots :)

  3. Hi guys! Made the calls you requested, and was glad to do it! You should be getting e-mails soon, I gave them all the address.
    Glad to hear it was a safe trip. Rest well, and we will wait (do it soon...) for your next entry.
    Love ya!

  4. We are glad to hear you made it safely. I hope you took pictures of the journey. The frazzled, defeatest parents, the kids bouncing off the walls. Over/under on how many times the question "when are we going to be there?' came up. I'll set the line at 15 and take the over.

  5. the last Sally comment was actually from Stuart. I have no idea how to post a comment under my profile.

  6. Scott and Avery, glad to hear you made it safely. Our prayers for you and the family continue non-stop. This blogging is quite new for me and hope you get this message. God is great and He moves us in the most mysterious ways. I know you are glad He is moving you and opening up vistas for you to see His glory and presence. Keep the faith and God bless in sharing it. We love you all.....Ernie and Connie
