Monday, June 22, 2009


It's Monday, June 22, and though none of you back home have woken up yet, it is lunchtime for us here. So far, I've "blogged" all of our entries, (except "Still at Home"), so I think since Scottie's work experience has been very involved, he should "blog" our next entry. I'm heading off to lunch (rice & beans, again, I'm sure) and hopefully he'll be able to blog later today or tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'm going to try to figure out how to "upload" (hee hee!) some pictures. Have a great day! We love you, Ave & crew


  1. Dear Camerons,
    Your blog is an inspiration! Thanks so much for what you are doing for the kingdom of God and for your family and your church family and for me. We think of you so often and are keeping you in our prayers. We look forward to hearing the stories and seeing the photos when you return. I would love to help you create a photo book of your trip if you need the help. May you feel God's peace in your hearts and His help guiding your hands and lips. Love, Lauren and Shields

  2. We couldn't agree more. It is so great to hear about what you are doing for God and I love how we are getting to learn about what God is doing in Kenya through your sharing.
    We miss you guys and can't wait to read and hear more.
    Chip, Traci and the boys

  3. Dear Cameron Family, What an amazing blog! God is certainly using your family in amazing ways. May He bless your time in Africa, keep your family healthy, and continue to pull you even closer to Him.

    Love and blessings,
    Jennifer Peters
