Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Independence Day

We are so thankful for freedom and independence! Personally, for Scottie's recovery and ability to once again do everything on his own; publicly, for our ability as a people to live in a democracy in a land of plenty.

On Saturday morning, we plan to visit the Mosop Orphanage, which is a different one than last year's, Umoja. The Mosop Orphanage is about 30 minutes away, as opposed to just a few minutes, but it will be nice to get a flavor for something a little different. The kids have brought lots of goodies, including "Silly Bands," and they are very excited to play with the children. We're also hoping to hike down to the hydroelectric dam, on the Nangores River, on Saturday afternoon.

On Sunday, for the For the Fourth of July, we are planning to join in the celebration at the Kipange, (an open-air gathering place, kind of like a big carport with vaulted ceiling) . Two basketball goals are set up there, and it's a fun place to burn off energy. Last year, we missed the festivities, as we were on safari. Apparently, there will be a cookout with games and water balloons. Also on Sunday, I will yet again, attempt to play in the Praise Band here. Last week, I figured out that when I stand next to someone who's really good, they are able to drown me out :) Russ White usually leads, (though I believe they take turns). Yes, he is a man of many talents!

On Monday, July 5th, we're beginning our trek home. John or Gerald will take us back to Nairobi, where we hope to visit the Giraffe Center along the way. We'll stay at the Mennonite Guest House that evening and leave very early on Tuesday morning for the airport. We're still planning on going home via an extended stay in London, (We looked into rescheduling our flights, but due to World Cup Soccer, Wimbledon and our last minute changing of plans, the tickets were astronomical!). We plan on meeting Mom over there, so please pray for her safe travels as well. We will part ways with Marcie in Amsterdam, as she will continue on to Atlanta to meet her husband, Bruce. Please pray for all of us in our many travels.

We hope that you all have a safe and relaxing weekend, and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, too. Thank you again, for all of the uplifting words of encouragement. We love and miss you all! Ave, Scottie, Wallace, Glenn, Hugh and Marcie

"Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God."
1 Peter, 2:16


  1. The Mathias' family are soo happy that Scott is feeling better - and that there has been no beef incidents. Thanks for all you are doing.

    Steve, Pam, Bailey, and Chance

  2. I am slowly getting the hang of this posting thing - though I have not figured out how to post to your 1 July pictures. The area is beautiful.

    The Mathias's family.

  3. We'll be praying for safe travels for everyone. It can't help but be better than the last time you flew!! Lots of love and thanks to you all.
    Lauren and Shields
